Clerks of Session

Thank you so much for agreeing to serve in this important role!

We bless your commitment and pray that you will serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.

 You have a pivotal role in keeping your congregation  and the presbytery  connected in clear and consistent ways.  When regular avenues of communication are honored and  honed, we become partners in public  witness, and we point to the Good News of shared ministry  and mission which extends far beyond the local church. 

G-3.0104  from the Constitution of the PC(USA) says this:

“Each council shall elect a clerk who shall

  • record the transactions of the council,
  • keep its rolls of membership and attendance,
  • maintain any required registers,
  • preserve its records,
  • and furnish extracts from them when required by another council of the church.

 The clerk of the session shall be a ruling elder elected by the session for such term as it may determine.”