We are delighted to welcome you to our shared life, and we want to serve as a network of intentional support and deep-rooted connection for you!
May your leadership reflect the patterns and practices of the gospel.
G-2.0501 from the Constitution of the PC(USA) states:
“Ministers of the Word and Sacrament shall in all things be committed to teaching the faith in word and deed and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.”
(Ephesians 4:12).
When serving as preachers and teachers of the Word,
you shall preach and teach the faith of the church,
so that the people are shaped by the pattern of the gospel
and strengthened for witness and service.
When serving at font and table,
you shall interpret and “show forth” the mysteries of grace in word and action,
lifting the people’s vision toward the hope of God’s new creation.
When serving as pastors,
you shall interpret and “show forth” the mysteries of grace in word and action,
lifting the people’s vision toward the hope of God’s new creation.
you shall support the people in the disciplines of the faith amid
the struggles of daily life.
When serving as presbyters,
you shall participate in the responsibilities of governance,
seeking always to discern the mind of Christ
and to build up Christ’s body through devotion, debate, and discernment.
Beginning A Call
Dissolving A Call
Can be found on the Clerk’s page under guidelines.
General Info
Gen. Description for Teaching Elder
Taylor Burton-Edwards “Preparation for Lent” Zoom Class
Passcode: C@+63g!9
Pulpit Supply List – find under Clerks of Session “Guidelines” tab